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Amnesty - Dashboard widgets run free
Mac customization
Published on July 17, 2005 By
WinCustomize News
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Many WinCustomize.com users use Macs as well. MacOS X Tiger has a new widget enabler called Dashboard. But as Mormegil pointed out, Dashboard has some limitations with its widgets.
But thanks to a new program called Amnesty, Dashboard widgets can now run on the desktop much like Konfabulator or DesktopX letting Mac users decorate their desktops with Dashboard widgets. If you have a Mac, check it out.
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on Jul 17, 2005
I've downloaded the trial version. So far so good. I like it! For me, the most anticipated part of Tiger was the dashboard. My drothers would be to pay $20 for Amnesty to get dashboard widgets on my mac rather than the 100+ it takes to download Tiger.
Thanks much for the heads up and links!!
on Jul 18, 2005
Buy it? Wtf? I didn't realise that after the Beta they were going to charge for this. That's just wrong, it's not even their technology, it's just a hack to Dashboard. It's like buying StyleXP, pointless.
on Jul 18, 2005
I was thinking that too
on Jul 18, 2005
Uh, Amnesty's not a hack, it a rewrite of Dashboard. Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to run on Panther.
Andrew Powell
on Jul 18, 2005
Indeed. This will be more of a draw to Panther users. Septimus, youre a fart smella (hehe) but did you miss the 'Trial' and 'Buy it Now' thingies on the site?
I hadnt looked at the price, but its pretty steep. $20 bones for that might not be worth it for Tiger users, but Panther users who dont want to deal with K should enjoy this.
on Jul 18, 2005
It's a more of reverse engineering than anything else.
I guess I missed the Buy It buttons during the beta. But I haven't used it since I downloaded it. The Dashboard layer is quick and easy enough.
on Jul 18, 2005
Panther user here, and you're right Mr. Big Stuff! Don't have to deal with the upgrade to Tiger. So for the price, it's a go for me.
on Jul 19, 2005
If you don't like clutter then Dashboard is great as the widgets are only there when you need them, i don't see the need to play around with it???
on Jul 20, 2005
If one wants to see the widgets alongside other applications .. follow this tip from Apple
Widgets Wherever
Want to view a frequently used Dashboard widget alongside your current applications? Just open Dashboard, access the Widget Bar, then drag out the widget you want and hold down the F12 key. Dashboard disappears, leaving your standalone widget on screen. Close it by opening Dashboard again
(flicked from http://www.apple.com/macosx/ - Feature of the Week)
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