Published on October 9, 2002 By Istari In WinCustomize News
When Nintendo wanted to to encourage their customers to register with them, they came up with a novel idea: Let users create a Nintendo desktop.

So Nintendo licensed Object Desktop Lite which includes WindowBlinds + IconPackager + WinStyles integrated together.

And when they wanted to find the top suite designers out there, they picked Pixtudio to create a Gamecube desktop and a Super Mario Sunshine desktop.


In order to obtain the suites you must register your GameCube online. Units sold in Europe come boxed with a VIP 24:7 card which allows for registration online. Once signed up and registered with the special code on the card you can then obtain access to the Super Mario Sunshine theme immediately. It appears the GameCube theme is not yet available.

Congratulations to Pixtudio. They've made it to the big time.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 09, 2002
Way to go Pixtudio, Stardock. You're in the Big Show now.
on Oct 09, 2002
Excellent news! Great work Stardosk and Pixtudio!!
on Oct 09, 2002
Two big thumbs up. Hope things keep going well, you guys give hope to us all.
on Oct 09, 2002
That is a very cool looking suite!

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Oct 10, 2002
Is there ever a chance that these skins might be obtained by a different way eventually because 1) I already purchased a Gamecube last year, and 2) I don't live in Europe.
Anyway, those are beautiful themes. Congratulations on being contracted by one of the original players in the gaming arena.

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Oct 10, 2002
The GameCube theme is already available when you register your
GameCube. The SuperMariosunshine theme is available when you register the game. You have to register both products to get
both themes.
on Oct 10, 2002
Good one, guys.....great to see quality/talent being recognised...
on Oct 10, 2002
I can't seem to get them to install, anyone else had any probs with them?
on Oct 10, 2002
object desktop lite? what the....? i could have used this a long time ago. i'm pretty much just an icon packager and windowblinds guy.

oh yeah, congrats to pixtudio!
on Oct 10, 2002
They look great, but I can't seem to get them installed either..
on Oct 10, 2002
You have to use the Desktop Manager from nintendo, or you have
unzip the file and rename the file extensions in the unzipped
folder to .xptheme and it will install if you have WB, Iconpackager and Winstyles installed.
on Oct 10, 2002
Great, Now It works, Thanks.. These Themes Rock!!
on Oct 10, 2002
They are shhweet suites. I don't intend on buying a Nintendo though so I won't have the opportunity to use them. I think an Xbox and PS2 is enough...hell, I don't even use them!

Congrats Pixtudio and Stardock. Nice to see that good things do happen to good people.
on Oct 10, 2002
Congratulations Pixtudio, both works look excellent!!!
on Oct 10, 2002
Is there a link to where I can go to register my gamecube?
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