Saudi intellectuals published a paper citing the US as the source of most of the world's evils. Clash of cultures? Saudi Arabia friend of US or just another nasty middle eastern despot?
on Apr 25, 2002
Yeh like Tandis said he know too that this article has nothing to do with skinning.
on Apr 26, 2002
The messenger of Islam "Mohammed" said that "Like for anyone what you
like for yourself "and the reverse don't like for anyone what you don't
like for yourself so if the American peoples don't like what had happened
in 11 Sep. so the Arabian peoples don't like what Israel do for Palestinians
,Killing civilians is something horrible and if ben Laden is Moslem but
he don't speak for Moslems and Islam even the messenger of god "Mohammed"
told the Moslems if there are in war not to kill a woman or a child and not
to destroy a house or a tree so anyone have a little of fair don't accept what
Israel do in the Palestinians.I'll finish with question that why the blind
support from the U S to Israel without any fair for the Arab,just tell
me why?...,,, if any one want to see some pictures for what
happen for the Palestinians just e mail me to give him or her link for the
real pictures of what happen there.My E-Mail is, Thank You very much.
on Apr 26, 2002
yeh right poor palestinians. for years nothing more than a terrorist organization and now we're supposed to feel sorry for them cuz they are getting their asses kicked? Maybe if they stopped bombing for one god damn month, there would be more sympathy. But after hearing about suicide bombs week after week all i have to say is too f**king bad. I feel for the innocents that are in Palestine and i think they should have a country of their own, but i have to ask, if the whole arab world is so close then why the hell havent they given some land to them? Why hasnt Egypt or Syria given over some land? Why? cuz all they like to do is frikking complain. I'm so sick of this crap. The two-faced Saudis regime getting their asses kicked by their own "brothers" the Iraqis and who bails their sorry asses out? America does. So the next time Sadaam goes and kicks some ass i say let him. And we can stand by and watch it on CNN.
on Apr 26, 2002
and by the way habeeb, you dont see israelis strapping C4 to their asses and going out to kill civilians. Do ya?
on Apr 26, 2002
I'm not fully sticking up for the Israelis, i know they arent angels, but they dont do half the shit the arabs do and when they do its usually cuz they are provoked. They need to stop building settlements i will agree on that but hey that land that everyone wants them to give back, well i'll tell you what brother , the arabs shouldnt have started the war with them in the first place that led to their land getting taken. Far as i'm concerned that land is Israeli land now. You want to start a fight, then make sure yo udont get your ass kicked. To bad the arabs didnt realize it and now they cry about their lost land. Gues it will teach them next time. As i have seen them try that stunt in a long time.
on Apr 26, 2002
oh i quit smoking hehe does it show?
on Apr 27, 2002
I'm happy for U to quit smoking because it gonna kill U!!
..Even if U R Christian,Jewish,Moslem or even if U have no religion
doesn't give U or anyone permission to kill a human being Palestinian
Israeli American everyone in his country all of them R human beings
we R all the same we must care about ourselves and the piece R the
link between all the countries if the Palestinian kill civilians
Israeli kills more and more civilians. what do U think it gonna stop
them all ? it is the piece and everyone got his right to live in his
home have no fear and have the respect of his U should
stop using expressions like kick there asses and what else.
all Arabic people feel sorry for what happened for the US and in the same
time feel sorry and anger for what happening in Palestine.they
have the right to have their own country just like everyone in the
thank you very much