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Saudis: USA main source of evil in the world
Published on April 22, 2002 By
WinCustomize News
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Saudi intellectuals published a paper citing the US as the source of most of the world's evils. Clash of cultures? Saudi Arabia friend of US or just another nasty middle eastern despot?
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on Apr 22, 2002
I know this has nothing to do with skinning but this was actually reported by the associated press and strangely hasn't been picked up by the mainstream media. What an inflammatory article written by leaders in Saudi Arabia, a supposed US ally. I think in the next year or so things are really going to come to a head and the world will be forever changed.
on Apr 23, 2002
Just another middle eastern despot. But one sitting on large supplies of oil, so your friend. Nothing will change, the Middle East has been a mess ever since the dawn of the Sumerians.
craeonics thinks he ended up at
By the way, where is the article?
on Apr 23, 2002
Well, in this case, it's only an emotional reaction towards US's support of Israel in the extremely sensitive situation going on right now with Palestine.
I'm not saying it's right to say it, just that it's understandable, giving the circunstances.
Also, don't forget that the US is the most powerful and richest country in the World. There are bound to be some jaleous people, and there are lots, but that too is normal. Just inside the US, how many people hate Bill Gates?
on Apr 23, 2002
Saudi Arabia has two faces because it is run by two branches of the same family. One branch is as Westernized as they can get away with and have the most control of the government. The other branch hates the West with a passion equal to Ben Ladden. That branch controls the church and some of the government.
They have been very unsuccessful in diversifying their economy and it has turned around to bite them. Oil prices have been low. OPEC has been trying to get prices higher but the Russians, the largest non-OPEC producer, have been looking at this as a great opportunity to sell more oil at a lower price.
This has been causing economic problems for the Saudis. High unemployment is starting to generate political unrest. Guess who the church leaders are blaming?
Just something to help you sleep at night.
on Apr 23, 2002
You know - it really bugs me when items like this appear as news items on completely unrelated web sites like Wincusto. I don't go to CNN to download WB skins, I don't drop by Slashdot for a Chilli recipe and I don't pay a visit to Tomshardware for my daily horoscope. Politics has an impact on all our lives, but this is a skinning site, about skinning, for skinners and people interested in using skins - can't we keep it that way, and leave the ill-informed political comment to slightly more politics-related sites?
on Apr 23, 2002
I agree with Dokt. Especially when not everyone who uses this site is American anyway. Leave the politics to the news sites.
on Apr 24, 2002
I am an arabic and this is reaction I tell is because of the blind support of the US policy to the iserali agression against the palestines .people in arab countries love the american people but hate the american policy.in Cairo, Beruit and other big and modern capitals,people are angry from Bosh and what he said that sharon is aman of peace,yeah the criminal of Sabra&shatila camp, the killing of egyptain prisoners of war, is a man of peace .with my all respect to the american people don't take these words as if it meant the US it meant your leaders. the last word Saudi arabia is not another nasty mideast despot, with the saudi support to the US ,there will be no american infleunce in the gulf at all believe me , the nasty despot is iseral as since 1948 tne whole area is facing trouble
on Apr 24, 2002
This is NOT CNN.com
...and don't try to be. If I want to read that crap, I'll go to CNN. Stick to the skinning news.
on Apr 24, 2002
It's a NEWS wincustomize does NOT say that you MUST only submit skinning news. Users are the one who submit but wincustomize are the one who post them to their site, so if it is posted, it is accepted
on Apr 24, 2002
I found the article interesting. And like it or not, WinCustomize is a USA site. I know I was offended when I read that leading Saudi's consider the US the source of evil in the world. When our citizens start hijacking civilian planes and crashing them into civilian buildings then people can complain.
Israel, btw, is a democracy - and like 14 miles across. My drive to work is longer than it would take to cross Israel. It seems absurd for countries like Saudi Arabia to blame such a tiny country for so many woes.
on Apr 24, 2002
BTW, I do tend to agree that political news items don't really belong here.
on Apr 25, 2002
There you go then.
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