Published on July 17, 2001 By Istari In WinCustomize News
DesktopX is a revolutionary new program that allows users to add true objects to their Windows desktops. Through the use of these objects, users can create completely unique looking desktop environments for every imaginable use. Power users can use DesktopX to create the ultimate desktop for productivity, parents can use DesktopX to create a simplified desktop for their children. Corporations can use DesktopX to create a secure and focused desktop for their users. Users can create their own objects or themes or download them from the Internet. DesktopX is fairly easy to use and most objects require no programming whatsoever. DesktopX can change the Windows desktop as much or as little as the user desires.

DesktopX objects can live side by side with icons on the standard Windows desktop. Hence a user could have a DesktopX clock or calendar or MP3 player or a cool animated object sitting there or use it to have animated wallpaper. On the other hand, DesktopX can be used to completely change the desktop to look like another OS (Mac, Linux, Amiga, OS/2, etc.) or something radically different from anything ever seen before.

Visit to download.
on Jul 17, 2001
2 things:

1) Congratulations to Alberto, Brad, Kris and all at Stardock. I know the amount of hard work you've put into this.

2) Shame this theme isn't in the ODNT download. Assume I need to get the 10MB download from
on Jul 17, 2001
well done , my congratulations to the developers, you guyz rule my desktop . Just in time , I´ve just renoved my OD subscription.
on Jul 17, 2001
As may of you know I have dedicated a great deal of time to DesktopX, and I would like to thanks Stardock, and especially Alberto, for making such a great program available. I would be overjoyed if you all become exceedingly wealthy because of it. Good Job all arrowed. Keep up the great work, I only wish I could skin DX full time.
on Jul 17, 2001
It's us that should thank you Mormegil. It's the incredible stuff that you create that really make all the work on DesktopX worth it. And a special thanks for letting us use so much of your stuff as part of DesktopX's install as it really shows off how much nicer DX objects can be.

The theme in that screenshot is just one I did for myself. I couldn't include it because it's a "rip" of several themes (Large amounts from Paul Boyer and Shawn Murdock).
on Jul 17, 2001
Congratulations Stardock and thank you mormegil and co for spending your free time making such incredible stuff!
on Jul 17, 2001
ahh, I going to blush, my plesure, I love DX and will keep at it as long as you guy keep makeing the program. maybe longer
on Jul 17, 2001
Now we just gotta get more plugins, scripting, and ability to move objects in there.
on Jul 18, 2001
Congrads to the whole team on the release. You shouldn't tempt an old litestepper like myself; this is getting hard to resist. Great work people!
on Jul 18, 2001
Well done guys, I'm gonna have to get this and learn to theme it. Hey!.... wait a minute.....That's MY wallpaper in the Object Desktop screenshot!! Fame at last!!!! hehe.
on Jul 18, 2001
I must say StarDock has done a great job on this. I've been using DX off and on since the start. Recently I have kept it off becuase of my slower laptop (PII 266). So this is the first time I have loaded it in a good couple months. I'm amazed at how much this has progressed. Excellent job.
on Jul 22, 2001
This new version of DX still crashes my system.
No tool tips for minimized apps at the taskbar when you point the mouse over, the impossibility to make the menus always on top when uses semi-transparent menus and other problems still remain in this version.
on Jul 22, 2001
This new version of DX still crashes my system.
No tool tips for minimized apps at the taskbar when you point the mouse over, the impossibility to make the menus always on top when uses semi-transparent menus and other problems still remain in this version.