Impulse version: v1.00.47
Game EXE version: 1.00.0091CVP version: 1.0
This version migrates licensed users to the new server clusters to play. Should be much more responsive and the multiplayer handling should be much nicer.
Sweet. See this is why you don't whinge within the first few weeks of a game launch.
Excellent news - great to hear that this was implemented on it's "official" street date
Let's hope this helps some of the issues people were having
We hope/expect to release another update this week to help on some of the connectivity issues some users are having.
Here's what we've found already. If you connect to 1 other person right now, you have a 90% chance of success. But by the time you get to 5 people, it'd down to like 30%. So we need to try to migrate things so that players have a lot more control over that connection process so that hosts can eject players who have connection problems rather than having 1 person keep others from joining.
Yup from my experience last night, which are probably the beta servers:
Success rate of custom games trying for 20 minutes
1v1: 90%
2v2: 50%
3v3: 10%
4v4: 0%
5v5: 0%
There was a late night flood of people trying to play around 10-11 PM EST yesterday, and I got into 2-3 games...after waiting for almost 3 minutes on the "Connecting to players..." screen. Two of those games just died out before they started (waiting too long for people to fill slots, probably loading forever like I was), and in the 3rd game (a 3v3) 2 of the players just disconnected or got dropped, not sure which. But while it was going on, it was a frenetic, beautiful experience. Total nerdgasmic fun. ))
Well for those of you not familiar with how Stardock does things, hold on to your hats. We find a problem, we fix it ourselves (if we can) or work with our dev partner to get it fixed. Another update this week and another update next week in all likelyhood. Why? Because if you wait too long to address customer suggestions, bugs, etc. you end up losing the community.
Kills me when I buy a game and I have to wait a month or two to get an update. Not here.
I want to make sweet, sweet, love to you, sir.
How do you know if you have the latest version?
Within Impulse, on the My Games tab, Demigod shows as v1.00. What should this read if I have the latest?
Within the game, on the main screen in the lower-right corner, it shows "Version Number BG MAIN.1.00.0091". What should this read if I have the latest?
You can have him after me.
My understanding is that Impulse will show v1.0 regardless - but if you need an update it will prompt you for it. The actual update version shows in your game client.
Is "MAIN.1.00.0091" the Day-Zero patch? If so I still end up sitting at "Attempting to Connect" for 20 minutes with no dice.
look closely at the topic and you will spot the version number of the update.
so sorry... wrong section delete this pls