Don't assume your opponents are evil
Published on November 10, 2004 By Istari In Politics
I've seen a lot of people trying to say that liberals have no moral values. On the other hand, I've seen a lot of liberals try to say that conservatives come from "Jesus Land".

Conservatives believe in a smaller government in which families and local communities take care of themselves. Liberals believe that a larger government with more resources can help take care of the entire society in a more fair and equal way.

Both sides have their pluses and minuses. Let's not forget that.
on Nov 10, 2004
It's a shame you use no evidence to back your claims.

on Nov 10, 2004

Isn't America great! We can openly discusss moral values or any other political issue without fear of Government retribution.With the election now behind us, I believe Democrats and Republicans must seek common ground on the many issues facing this nation. It will be interesting to see how the common ground issue developes particually because of the bitterness that developed in both political camps throughout the campaign.

I just opened a blog with JoeUser and published my first article on the Social Security System titled "Promises That Can't Be Kept". It might be of interest to you as you determine whether to support or not support President Bush's reform of this system. The Social Security reform issue will be hotly contested in Congress, and I can't wait to see the political spin given by both the Democrats and Republicans.

Keep your political information flowing, gaining knowledge on any poltical issue is priceless.

on Nov 12, 2004
You make a good point Tandis, despite your lack of evidence. Morality and religion have been used interchangably in the aftermath of this election. I personally believe that morality is deeper than religion. One is moral when they have faith in themselves, an inherit drive to be a good person. Someone who is religious has a better chance of being moral, I agree, but their motives are different. They are held accountable by the people of the church and eventually, before God. I think someone is truly moral when they hold themselves accountable. Personal responsability of ones actions... that's morality.