Islamic terrorists, okay, christians, bad.
Published on March 17, 2004 By Istari In Current Events
Islamic terrorists like Osama Bin Laden write an open letters to the American people advising them to eliminate the homosexuals from society. This is one of the demands Al Qaeda has if we want them to stop attacking us.

The same people who then would protest American military action against these hateful bigots then turn around and become amazingly intolerant of Christians who oppose gay marriage on religious grounds.

on Mar 17, 2004
This is not something previously introduced into my schema. How fascinating. I like it. Keep up the thinking, it's a rare thing in today's society.
on Mar 17, 2004
This is a good night for red wine and the day I've had. Bin Laden may want to rid the world of homosexuals, but his little part of the world is the only one. Diving into semantics, nobody really gives a rat's ass about fags, queers or whatever their moniker, living together for the rest of their damn lives. Religion through the ages has cast an ugly light on homosexualism and forced it to be a disease, an evil, a sin. Most people don't really give a damn anymore, as long as it isn't flaunted or shoved in our face at every turn, like the media is doing. Marriage is sacred, it's also a sacred word, no matter how much it gets dragged through the mud of society. Civil unions, in the eye of government (it is truly without any depth perception) is plenty for the cries of the chained, the closeted, the freaks. If recognition in the eye(s) of the government(s) isn't (aren't) enough, then as I've said before, you have issues. If it still bothers you not to be called "married", then you also belive it is aberrant behavior.
on Mar 17, 2004
And I don't believe in God.
on Mar 21, 2004
Well, it certainly is a tough concept to grasp if you insist in defining the world in terms of "either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists". Thankfully I'm not restricted to following that dogma, so I don't have any problem with this.