Yahoo left holding the bag..
Published on September 18, 2005 By Istari In Avalon
Microsoft anououncing that it will soon be supporting gadgets begs the question: Did Yahoo have any idea that Microsoft was about to get into the mini applet business?

On September 1st, the future of widgets and gadgets seemed all but settled. Developers would go with Konfabulator. After all, it was free. Sure, users would have visit Yahoo and download Konfabulator first but it would be a free download.

Stardock's strategy was one of providing an alternative: Gadgets. Gadgets don't require an additional download. Therefore, developers had full ownership up their creations. Stardock vs.Yahoo? Not a fair fight.

Microsoft's announcement changed all that. Now it's Stardock + Microsoft vs. Yahoo. The dynamics have changed. What's the point of developing for Konfabulator? Macintosh support? At a certain point, it's easier to just make Dashboard widgets for the Mac version and gadgets for the PC.

The only people we know are definite winners are the developers of Konfabulator who sold out just before the ship went under water. Whatever value Konfabulator had on September 1st when its future looked bright changed remarkably when Microsoft announced Microsoft Gadgets. The battle is no longer for the hearts and minds of end users but rather for widget and gadget developers. What are the odds that Konfabulator is going to support Avalon on Windows Vista? Nill I would guess.

In a recent article, Konfabulator's lead developer Arlo Rose was quoted as saying "We wish the Stardock guys the best of luck, because we know that they’re in the same business, and suddenly ours is free," Rose said.

One has to wonder what Mr. Rose's thoughts are now. Microsoft wishes the Yahoo guys the best of luck because they know that they're in the same business and now suddenly, theirs is free and part of the operating system. What percentage of users are going to be willing to download additional run-time files to use a widget when gadgets simply work natively?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 19, 2005
You might want to wait until there are official details about Gadgets released. I think you may be assuming things about Gadgets that aren't necessarily true.
on Sep 19, 2005
"and suddenly ours is free"... but does it do all that DX can...!!!

nope..! i think not...!!!

& Arlo Rose is one lucky guy....
if by chance MS had announced Gadgets before the knofab buyout by Yahoo, then i dont think Yahoo would have done it....
on Sep 19, 2005
From what I read, Yahoo probably guess this action considering that MS was trying to get Konfabulator.
on Sep 19, 2005
Content might also push Konfabulator and even DesktopX out the door more than Mac or MS native anything.

If DX gets its gadget website out the door, developers have 2 good choices. They can get at most of the computer users with DX and not have to worry about new downloads (unless they use some sort of .net library that people don't have) OR they get at 98% of the market with Konfabulator and get the Mac crowd who typically spends more per person than a PC person.

f I was on Stardock's marketing team, I would be ecstatic about Konfabulator being sold. Why? Everybody is talking about gadgets and widgets. Now if Stardock gets of its arse and gets people thinking about DX gadgets, developers will most likely choose DX because it can do more without the additional download (small time start ups - like me - would probably go with Konfabulator because its free but lets face it, there are people who will just not want to download twice and eventually go for DX... IF THEY KNOW ABOUT IT)

Techies, I think, are just coming over to DXPro but only because of the noise Konfab and Yahoo has made. MS probably will get blasted with security critics on its gadgets, and with some marketing savvy, Stardock comes out on top for developers AND customers (Gadgets can interact with themes... and lets face it, DX theme desktops are the future)

DesktopX kills way more birds with that proverbial stone. Personally, I will be using both in my 2 non-profit websites (one is on entertainment and the other is about helping lost kids - ESPECIALLY with the lost kids because now I can get at PC and Mac users), Konfab only with my automobile website, and DX Pro with my other sites.

Get Stardock's gadget site on the road WITH a nice dev kit and wiki-like dev sub site and you got a powerful marketing tool for just-for-fun hobbyists, educators (leaving them out will be a bad move on Stardock's part), developers and website builders.
on Sep 19, 2005
great article, nice read.
on Sep 19, 2005
From what I read, Yahoo probably guess this action considering that MS was trying to get Konfabulator.

What would make you think that? I'd heard rumors before the Yahoo acquisition that Konfab was looking around to be purchased... not that anyone in particular was convincing them to sell.
on Sep 19, 2005
Hehe, it's funny how Konfabulator got pushed to Microsoft in part because Apple trew Dashboard at them, not that Konfabulator is available for PC, Microsoft shows up with their own version, what's next, Konfabulator for Linux
on Sep 19, 2005
I thought Konfabulator cost money? It's free now?
on Sep 19, 2005
Thanks for the link. Still dosen't answer my question. Is Konfabulator free now?
on Sep 19, 2005

"Yahoo! company executives said they would also be giving Konfabulator away for free, completely doing away with the US$19.95 currently charged for the product."

on Sep 20, 2005

Anyone got a pin? I need to let some air out of here!
on Sep 20, 2005
Well the questions would be what can be done by each of the tools, what capibilities and support is available? If it amounts to a free download, but you are able to have many more tools available I can see people still using the other tools, rather than what comes native.
on Sep 20, 2005
It's all about choice. Now can Stardock convince developers that theirs is the right choice? There were products of a similar on the Mac before Konfabulator, then Konfabulator, then Dashboard. I don't see Window Blinds going away just because of Vista, or XP even. Remember the promises about customization with XP? Stardock did it better IMHO, and I will continue to support them as long as they do so.

Having close to 0 talent, I hadn't given any thought to Desktop X pro until Stardock showed us (ok me) the value that is added by the Professional Version. So I bought it, and I'm glad that I did. Stardock showed me a value for my purchase.

Back on to topic though ... I have to agree with others who say that Yahoo probably didn't know about Microsoft gadgets until after they bought Konfab. My theory is this (this is just my theory NO factual basis other than an ability to theorize and read between the lines!) ...

1. Yahoo started negotiating to buy Konfabulator - possible small revenue flow availible.
2. Yahoo hears rumours about a Microsoft "dashboard"-type application.
3. Yahoo, in trying to beat Microsoft to the punch, closes the deal and buys Konfabulator.
4. Yahoo then re-adjusts their Konfabulator strategy to rely on more tertiary forms of revenue from Konfabulator, and decides to release it for free, bringing eyes to their site rather than a few dollars right in their pocket.
5. Microsoft makes their announcment and Yahoo realizes that they got beat at their own game.
6. Yahoo will now have to make the most of their investment in the few short months before Vista, and then saturate the Konfabulator download pages with ads to re-coup some of their costs.
7. Yahoo execs scratch their heads.

Now step 3 and 4 could have been reversed with Yahoo planning on the free release before-hand, it still gives the end result. With all the copying going on back and forth between OS'es these days I would have thought someone might have made that conclusion that it's a safe bet Microsoft would incorporate mini-apps of some sort into their OS. Now maybe they did and Yahoo has some "wonder-widget" waiting in the wings that solves a problem we don't even know we have yet, but I wouldn't hold my breath!

Now that all that has been said - does either Yahoo or Microsoft think they can compete with the great developers here on Wincustomize? Or do they realize that if I want to see what others will be doing with their computers or interfaces 6 months from now, I can just browse the libraries here and see it today? Ok, maybe tomorrow when Window Blinds 5 with transparencies comes out!
on Sep 22, 2005
I read a link on that Microsoft was trying to get them, but they could talk about it for obviuos reasons you know... legal junk).

I think Yahoo probably assumed MS would do something like that, especially since they have done so in the past.

I still think DX is the best, but the best don't always get the awards.
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