GalCiv II's lead developer
Published on May 1, 2006 By Istari In GalCiv II News

Brad (Frogboy) may have designed Galactic Civilizations II and coded the computer AI, but the lead developer, the person who was responsible for the overall programming of Galactic Civilizations is Stardock's Cari Begle.

The Houston Chronicle has a story about what may be the only female lead game developer in the PC game industry and how she approaches game development.

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on May 11, 2006
Congrats on the recognition, Cari!

Sorry those congrats seem to get sidetracked on explorations of gender and identity in the American workplace...

Seriously, it's good to see the recognition and the promoting awareness around women active in the gaming industry. For whatever it's worth, one of the most notable examples that I know of goes back a few years: Frog City based here in San Francisco churned out a number of quite good titles years back.

Rachel Bernstein was the Project Manager and Business Manager for such noteworthy Frog City titles as Imperialism, Imperialism 2, and Tropico 2, among others! They sold out (to EA, I think) a few years ago, in the interests of stabilizing the paycheck stream, but Rachel was out there in a male-dominated space and is still in the b'iness.

It's always cool to see those blazing a new trail wherever they go. I'm still waiting for the next bachelor President myself, but it may take a little while longer...
on May 12, 2006
Hi Cari. I've been programming for 20+ years (not games though), and I have to tell you I am truly impressed with the depth, usability, robustness, humor and outright fun of GC2, never mind the "moddability". Great job and great game, Cari. Now I have something inspiring to share with my 9 yr. old daughter when she asks "Dad, are you playing THAT game again?".
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