GalCiv II's lead developer
Published on May 1, 2006 By Istari In GalCiv II News

Brad (Frogboy) may have designed Galactic Civilizations II and coded the computer AI, but the lead developer, the person who was responsible for the overall programming of Galactic Civilizations is Stardock's Cari Begle.

The Houston Chronicle has a story about what may be the only female lead game developer in the PC game industry and how she approaches game development.

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on May 01, 2006
"I'm not really a girly girl, but I created a Barbie race because the irony was so hilarious," she said. The race is complete with pink and white spaceships emblazoned with the Mattel logo, a social-influence racial bonus and a magenta user interface. "They look kind of plastic, too. It was really cute."

Why isn't it in the final release as a special feature
on May 01, 2006
Well, as an aspiring game developer engaged to a staunch female rights activist, my fiance and I send you our biggest congrats, Cari! Your work is remarkable, not because you're a woman, but because you're a damned fine programmer who wasn't afraid to go into what is sometimes an unwelcoming industry.

Keep up the good work
on May 01, 2006
Heh. I had a quick double take when I misread this:

I don't think like a lot of other programmers

As this:

I don't like a lot of other programmers

on May 01, 2006
Congrats on the article Cari, your work itself shows how a traditionally male role can be done just as well(better) by a female.
on May 01, 2006
Why isn't it in the final release as a special feature

Because I'm reall sure that StarDock doesn't need Mattel suing the life out of them...
on May 01, 2006
I wish physicians got as much fan mail and appreciation about the job they do as game developers get, male, female or alien. Game developers seem to have aquired some sort of quasi-celebrity status in the eyes of adoring fans because they provided a product that keeps them entertained for long periods of time, not becasue they make a significant difference to society. There a splash of cold water to put things in perspective.

Congrats on being successful in a male dominated profession, not because your female, that would be too superficial, but because your good at what you do (and its someone else revelling in success apart from Brad for once). We are too concerned with percieved difference, the sooner we stop drawing attention to the first female here, to the first so and so there equality will be easier to achieve. Its not a milestone unless you think its unlikely, unachievable, etc whereby the only basis is sex.
on May 01, 2006
Congratulations for... for what? Being female and a game designer? One should be newsworthy for their skills and accomplishments, not their gender. The article was purely about being a woman in the game industry, which honestly isn't that remarkable. Guys are rarely nurses, does that make them worthy of being interviewed? No. People should be praised solely for their success as an individual, not for defying traditional gender roles.
on May 01, 2006
Whilst I agree with the above post saying that people should be praised for their skill not gender, I do believe that Cari has succeeded on the skill front because well I like the AI in this and it keeps on getting better... So two thumbs up to Cari and the rest of Stardock ; without you I would be doing far more productive things in my spare time lol.
on May 01, 2006
It was a congratulations on Cari getting some recognition.  When Brad was in Time Magazine people weren't congratulating him on being a software developer but for the recognition.
on May 01, 2006
I think it's a great accomplishment

I think that Cari's creative role is great, although what she brought to the game is not explained in full details
the few points that were talked about here, are part of why I finally bought the game

although I'm a male

edit: I also think that the fact that she is a "she" is part of why she is more creative than logical in her work
and why she really can bring something to a world of logic (male)
on May 01, 2006
Congrats, and keep up the good work.
on May 01, 2006
Because I'm reall sure that StarDock doesn't need Mattel suing the life out of them...

You do understand the concept of humor ?
on May 01, 2006
Nice article, but where are the pictures?!
on May 01, 2006
I don't know, congrat on getting reconition. But the way the artical panned out was sort of vapid. I blame house chronicals though.
on May 01, 2006
I blame house chronicals though.

Read the by-line. This story ran in the Detroit Free Press and was picked up by the Chronicle (which sucks on it's own merits).

The article could have gone in many different directions, Why being a woman in the industry is harder? Why Cari took this path (other than a boyfriend hooked her up)? Why women should be represented more in games? Why Cari's fanclub hasn't had a rally yet?

In the end, the article wa kinda fluffy. But I have an idea how much effort she's put in to GalCiv and she deserves more praise in doing a good job than any paper is going to give. But she does stand out amongst many other developers. I'll take this story as a down payment on much larger features in the future.

Great job Cari! Thanks for the hard work.
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